Accessible Voter Registration
1. Any person, regardless of their disability status, has the right to register to vote at any office or agency that provides such a service.
2. A person with cognitive disabilities can be eligible to register and vote if not adjudicated mentally incapacitated by a court of law.
You can register to vote:
Accessible Voting Options
Accessible Absentee Voting
If you are print disabled, you may request to receive an absentee ballot electronically to mark your ballot using an electronic ballot-marking tool. (See Code of Virginia § 24.2-103.2). If you choose this option for voting absentee, your ballot will be delivered by email and can be marked using screen reader assistive technology.
If you are interested in using this service to vote absentee, select the “print disabled” option under section 7c of your absentee ballot application. If you would prefer, you may apply to vote absentee online using our citizen portal website. Click on “Apply to Vote Absentee by Mail” then follow the prompts and indicate that you are print disabled and wish to use the electronic ballot-marking tool.
If you are print disabled and want more information on how to receive your ballot electronically, please contact your general registrar's office. You can find their contact information using our online lookup tool.
The Department of Elections has designated employees who voters with print disabilities and election officials can contact to resolve issues encountered while using the electronic ballot-marking tool. If you have questions about using the ballot-marking tool, please contact Claire Scott or Tanya Pruett, [email protected] or call 1-800-552-9745 or TTY 711.
Accessible Polling Places
There is at least one voting machine accessible to voters with disabilities at each polling place. Voters with a disability should be able to vote in the same private and independent manner as a voter without a disability.
Virginia polling places, including early voting locations, meet state and federal accessibility standards. You can find:
Concerned that your rights to accessible voting/registration have been violated?
Telephone: (800) 552-9745, (804) 335-6445, or TTY 711
1. Any person, regardless of their disability status, has the right to register to vote at any office or agency that provides such a service.
2. A person with cognitive disabilities can be eligible to register and vote if not adjudicated mentally incapacitated by a court of law.
You can register to vote:
- Online at the citizen portal
- By mail. Download forms >>>
- At your local voter registration office, which can accommodate special needs:
- At public libraries, Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, and certain state/local offices such as the Department of Health (VDH), Department of Social Services (DSS), Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services (DBHDS), Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (VDDHH), and the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI)
Accessible Voting Options
Accessible Absentee Voting
If you are print disabled, you may request to receive an absentee ballot electronically to mark your ballot using an electronic ballot-marking tool. (See Code of Virginia § 24.2-103.2). If you choose this option for voting absentee, your ballot will be delivered by email and can be marked using screen reader assistive technology.
If you are interested in using this service to vote absentee, select the “print disabled” option under section 7c of your absentee ballot application. If you would prefer, you may apply to vote absentee online using our citizen portal website. Click on “Apply to Vote Absentee by Mail” then follow the prompts and indicate that you are print disabled and wish to use the electronic ballot-marking tool.
If you are print disabled and want more information on how to receive your ballot electronically, please contact your general registrar's office. You can find their contact information using our online lookup tool.
The Department of Elections has designated employees who voters with print disabilities and election officials can contact to resolve issues encountered while using the electronic ballot-marking tool. If you have questions about using the ballot-marking tool, please contact Claire Scott or Tanya Pruett, [email protected] or call 1-800-552-9745 or TTY 711.
Accessible Polling Places
There is at least one voting machine accessible to voters with disabilities at each polling place. Voters with a disability should be able to vote in the same private and independent manner as a voter without a disability.
Virginia polling places, including early voting locations, meet state and federal accessibility standards. You can find:
- Accessible parking spaces
- Curbside voting
- Signs showing an accessible entrance and route in building
- Accessible voting booth with chair
- Seating available for voters waiting to vote
- Sufficient space for voters in wheelchairs
- Notepads available to communicate in writing
- Magnifier for election material and the ballot
- Contact your local voter registration office:
- Contact the Virginia Department of Elections at (800) 552-9745 or [email protected]
- TTY Phone Access for Hearing Impaired: Contact Virginia Relay Service at 711 and ask them to call the Virginia Department of Elections at (800) 552-9745 or your local voter registration office:
Concerned that your rights to accessible voting/registration have been violated?
- Submit your complaint here: Voter Complaints or
- Contact your local voter registration office or electoral board: or
- Contact Claire Scott, Accessibility Coordinator at the Department of Elections:
Telephone: (800) 552-9745, (804) 335-6445, or TTY 711