In May 2015 the State Board of Elections decertified our voting machines. We used the WinVote DRE. The machine was decertified due to the fact that it was possible for someone to hack into the machine with the possibility of changing the out come of the election. In order to ensure the integrity the State Board of Election took immediate action and decertified the voting machine. Our Electoral Board and the General Registrar had been looking for a replacement machine for 2 years. The County Administrator and the Board of Supervisors moved quickly to procure replacement machines for our county. We purchased 28 Dominion Voting Machines.
Dominion Machines are optical scanning voting machines. You receive a paper ballot darken the bubble completely in by the name of the candidate that you wist to vote for, and then place it in the machine. This machine leaves us with a paper trail. also, it does not have a wireless card so there is no chance of someone remotely hacking the system. This machine also has 4 other built-in safe guards.
In our first election that we used this system the citizen loved it was the consensus that our office got. It was simple and shortened the lines. We had one issue at one precinct where our ballot had the wrong security code printed on it and the machine would not accept the ballot. (This is one of the built in safe guards.) We opened another pack of ballots (with the correct code) and everything functioned properly again.
As we prepare for the presidential election please make sure that you are familiar with our voting system by going out and voting in the upcoming primaries and town elections. If you have any questions or concerns about our voting system please contact the registrars office.
Dominion Machines are optical scanning voting machines. You receive a paper ballot darken the bubble completely in by the name of the candidate that you wist to vote for, and then place it in the machine. This machine leaves us with a paper trail. also, it does not have a wireless card so there is no chance of someone remotely hacking the system. This machine also has 4 other built-in safe guards.
In our first election that we used this system the citizen loved it was the consensus that our office got. It was simple and shortened the lines. We had one issue at one precinct where our ballot had the wrong security code printed on it and the machine would not accept the ballot. (This is one of the built in safe guards.) We opened another pack of ballots (with the correct code) and everything functioned properly again.
As we prepare for the presidential election please make sure that you are familiar with our voting system by going out and voting in the upcoming primaries and town elections. If you have any questions or concerns about our voting system please contact the registrars office.